Angaben gem. § 5 TMG:
Lilli Malou Weinhold
Am Wehrhahn 65
40211 Duesseldorf
Umsatzsteuer-ID gem. § 27a UStG:
E-Mail: lillimalou(dot)weinhold(at)gmail(dot)com
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gem. § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Lilli Malou Weinhold (Kontakt s. o.)
All content of this website, especially texts, photographs, and graphics, is protected by copyright. The copyright, unless explicitly indicated otherwise, belongs to Lilli Malou Weinhold. Please contact me if you wish to use the content of this internet offering. Anyone who violates copyright (e.g., unauthorized copying of images or texts) is liable to prosecution according to §§ 106 et seq. of the Copyright Act (UrhG), is additionally subject to a chargeable warning, and must pay damages (§ 97 UrhG).